
Se La MaT DaTan9 !
Se La MaT Ber9aBun9 DaLaM KafiLaH PeMeNan9 !
MeNdeSaiN Ga94SaN BeSaR DaN KiNeRj4 BeSaR

" KaLau KiTa TidaK Se9eR4 MeLan9KaH, MaKa KiTa AkaN KeHiLan9aN BaNyaK KeSemPaTaN, KeHabiSaN BanYaK EneR9i, MeMuBadZiRkaN BaNyaK PoTEnSi "

EacH d4Y
OuR Go4L...
To TouCH ONe'S He4RT
To InsPiRe ONe'S MiND
To EnCouRa9E ONe'S SoUL...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thousand Morning Light

Thousand Morning Light

The Author : Alfiah Nurfajariah

why we must ask about tomorrow, why do we still hope itself was something that we do not know what will happen, what's wrong with our lives, we have a future and most importantly, we have confidence, we also have the vision and mission of the future ... and why still thinking?

- Thousand Morning Light -

Lyla throw a pretty pink book among the piles of papers that have been completed he Completes, now he is getting pesismis with the situation, he was tired and did not humble, he did not understand why he must go through moments of this dilemma.

This is the hardest moments for lyla, how does! because this time he threatened not to attend college the semester end.

Lyla, tall girl with brown eyed girl was a jolly friendly and quite prominent among the civitas campus, he was an active student who often make the activities on campus, almost all students on campus to recognize the tall girl, and it is not fame always bring a good impact for us, not the god has created pairs in each of our lives? good and bad, black and white, weak and strong ah ... much more.

"Lyla, wait!" Ikbal apparently students at the campus president, with a little panting he approached lyla.

"Why Lyl ... I still do not believe, with the information I received about you! I know who you are, you're a good girl, I .... " Lyla stop talking Ikbal

" Already, Ikbal, I was already concerned with gossip gossip-it!" Lyla pessimistic.

" Why?" Ikbal asked, this time more seriously.

" Because this is the best ... sometimes a person gets exiled to get the truth ..." Lyla said softly, his blue eyes staring at clouds that change shape on the screen space.

se all happened two weeks ago, when lyla become executive chairman of functional literacy on campus, he was commissioned by pak hardi, il mu introductory education professor to understand the characteristics of education in the area Leuwi Sadeng bogor, some residents there can not read and write, perhaps only rt, rw, and civitas civitas significant-other who have a degree, very unfortunate.

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bORn To Be RicH

bORn To Be RicH
Dear All FrieNds... Jan9aN PeRnaH mRasa TakuT Pada Hari EsOk dan PaDa MasaLaH! Jan9aN Buan9 WakTu mu deN9aN MendaHuLui NaSib! Jangan katakan... "Ya, Allah... aku punya masalah besar... Namun katakanlah, Hey Masalah...aku punya Allah yang Maha BesaR!!!